Project Raygine #9

I am continuing to extend and improve functionality:

Here's the current state of the editor as screenshot:

Raygine scene view

Here's how it looks like when the scene view camera is moving around:

Raygine scene view camera navigation

What you can see is, how the camera component renders its view inside the scene view. It immediately clarifies what it can currently see and I don't understand why other editors don't do this. The aspect ratio depends, just like in Unity, on the runtime's window size.

There's so much missing left and right still, but the primary goals are still priority and I need to focus on this:

These primary goals are pretty much to be solved in linear fashion. It's just a coarse list, there are many things missing, for example I will also need a sprite renderer, which means sprite assets. Packing the content for certain build targets is also implicitly included here.

So far, I am quite happy with the progress though. I am quite focused on pushing this in my mind, so things go easy right now, even if I have to solve right now a lot of plumbing and infrastructure. I am not sure how long this will last, but I am trying to make the best out of it.
